New! Memory Wall Forever Loved and in Our Hearts
But shall the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.
~Edgar Guest
Many of you knew Dustin and many of you met him through his web site.
He was a Giver of His Heart to all and was there for everyone he met. As his mom, I knew he was one special person
from the day he was born. This new year I want the heart of Dustin and mine to combine and continue to be there for others.
I have added a page for all to share their prayer request and a candle will be lit for all. My heart and
soul will be here for anyone that may need a word of encouragement. I do have a long way to go in accepting my own son's death
but one thing I know in my heart is that he would want me to continue his good works. So, please feel free to email me and
share your thoughts or ask for support in your own grief, just share your hearts. Joining hearts will help many!
Love, Patti Rawls
Where there is pain,
Let there be softening.
Where there is bitterness,
Let there be communication.
Where there is loneliness,
Let there be friendship.
Where there is despair,
Let there be hope
Author: Ruth Eiseman
Stairway to Heaven
If Tears Could Build a Stairway And
Memories, a Lane I Would walk right up to Heaven And Bring You Home Again.
It's true -- generous people leave great legacies. Even that small piece of yourself you freely
give away may thrive in surprising ways throughout eternity. -- Steve Goodier
You Must Try Again
Life is a long and bumpy road.
We each carry our troubles,
like a heavy load.
There are many hard turns
and some dead ends,
But whenever we're stuck,
we must try again.
No one's got an easy ride,
But failure can be pushed aside.
When we give up hope
nothing good can happen.
So, when all seems lost
you must try again.
You can't have a meal,
if you don't sit at a table.
You won't learn the moral,
if you don't read the fable.
You can't take control,
if you're plagued by inaction.
And you won't overcome loss
if you don't try again.
When the coin's in the air,
if you don't pick heads or tails,
Having not made a choice,
you are bound to fail.
But if you choose and choose wrong,
you can always still win,
Because on the next flip
you can still try again.
Those who succeed
seem to have it made,
Basking in the sunshine
or lying in the shade.
But they've been down too
and it was just then,
That they picked themselves up,
so they could try again.
So, when your spirit is weak
and you need to cry
And you want to be happy,
but you have to sigh,
When things seem bleakest,
that's the time when
You must shrug it all off
and try, try again.
by: Randy Grayson
Safely Home by Unknown
I am home in Heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so bright! There
is perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed; I
am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last.
Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the valley of the shade? Oh!
but Jesus' arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread?
Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly
still; Try to look beyond earth's shadows, Pray to trust our Father's Will.
There is work still waiting for you, So you must not idly
stand; Do it now, while life remaineth-- You shall rest in Jesus' land.
When that work is all completed, He will gently call you
Home; Oh, the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come!
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