Dustin loved and was loved by so many, he touched so many lives while here on earth and gave the
gift of life to many more being a organ donor.
Honor of My Son
Dustin Marshall Rawls
Why when I cry do people run and hide
Is any emotion other than a false happiness not to be shared?
I cry for my son when I speak of him because of both the happiness I felt when he was here and the grief
I feel because he is gone.
Grief's unexpected turns will throw you again and again. You may feel that for every step forward, you take
at least one step back. The grieving process generally takes longer than you ever imagined.
Please don't rush this process. Remember, what you are feeling is not only normal; it is necessary.
Please do not leave without emailing a message, a story or a picture of your life with Dustin
and sign the guestbook below.
They are not really gone, if you know where they are....

Those I Love And Those Who Love Me
I am gone, release me let me go I have so many things to see and do You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears Be
happy that we had so many years I gave you my love, you can only guess How much you gave to me in happiness
thank you for the love you have shown But now it’s time I traveled alone So grieve a while for me if grieve you
must Then let your grief be comforted by trust It’s only for a while that we must part So bless the memories
within your heart I won’t be far away. For life goes on
if you need me call and I will come Though you can’t see or touch me I’ll be there And if you listen with
your heart you’ll hear All of my love around you soft and clear And then when you must come this way alone I’ll
greet you with a smile and welcome you home