A Valentine Sent To Heaven
Angels come swiftly, hurry to our side
Carry our hearts back with you,
to our children in heaven now reside.
Carry them gently, handle them with care
And take them to their sides, and gently lay them there.
Whisper to them of our love, and our longing hearts
All our lonely aching while we are apart.
Hold them gently to you, and let them see our love
Let them see this, our valentine to them above.
Reassure them of our love, that it is still the same
And gently hold us when we cry,
when we hear them whisper our names.
Let this exchange of love be our valentine
And whisper to them that our love
will stand the test of time.
Show them the memories are safely held inside
And with us they will always abide.
Let them see this day, a day filled with our love
As we shed our tears, and whisper their names, to our
Valentines above.
Sheila Simmons, TCF Atlanta Online